Our Sunday School curriculum is the Bible. God’s Word is the most important thing we can know and teach so the Bible is our textbook.
We use a three year study called “The Biblical Path of Life” that takes us through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in chronological order.
This helps students understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story of God’s redemption. When one sees how simply, yet intricately, the Bible fits together, it not only becomes more interesting, but applicable to everyday life. Learn foundational truths that God showed his people from the beginning of time–truths that you will see echoed and fulfilled by the familiar word of the New Testament. And with these principles of the Bible, you can apply them to your own Christian life and become more like Jesus.
The study begins in the Old Testament learning the foundational truths God revealed from the beginning of time. Yet while going through these first 4000 years, New Testament quotes are constantly connected to Old Testament lessons with Jesus being the revealed truth in the Old Testament study every 13th lesson.
Adults, youth, and children all study the same lesson each week as we gather together in age appropriate classes for Bible study through our Sunday School hour. The gospel message is taught through every story from Genesis to Revelation because it is the gospel that transforms the heart, changing everything through salvation and learning to walk by faith in our Lord Jesus.